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Beyond The Stars: Bridging Worlds

Updated: Oct 3, 2024

By Saanvi Goel

One of the most intriguing aspects concerning the human race is whether we are alone in the solar system or do we have company in the form of life forms on any other planet. In the 1940s and 50s the phenomena gained momentum that certain unique objects, which later came to be known as flying saucers, were observed in the sky in the US. It is believed that these were alien spacecraft, a few of them crash landed onto earth, most famous being the one in New Mexico. 

A US Air Force installation, named Area 51 has become infamous for its connection with unidentified flying objects(UFO). It is believed that the facility is used for testing of alien technology recovered from the crash sites. Now presuming that aliens do exist the important question is what do we do? If they have the capability to reach earth, it would be safe to assume that they are technologically quite competent, and may be superior to us. It will then be a matter of time when there will be a full scale interaction or an altercation between the two species (us and them). 

Communication between the two will be of paramount importance, to allay the fears that either side can have, otherwise it can lead to a devastating conflict between the two which can be life ending. The method commonly used by scientists is to look for artificial or unusual signals transmitted from elsewhere in the universe by technologically advanced life forms. Alternatively, signals can be sent from here on the earth as well to show that intelligent life forms exist on earth as well. 

Contact with extraterrestrial civilizations raises legal and ethical issues as well, for the rights of extraterrestrial beings. An extraterrestrial arriving on earth might get the same rights as animals do. Which means they can be killed by humans without involving huge costs. So we have to be careful while dealing with a sensitive issue like this and frame laws so as to protect a potential conflict between the two. There will be so much to learn from each other. Imagine two species so diverse and so technologically advanced coming on the same page. 

We as humans can derive so much information from them in science and new technology from them, which may help us in solving our current day problems like global warming or getting ahead of the onset of pandemic, earthquake warnings and many others. I am sure that the other species will have a lot to learn from us as well. I just wish that the interaction does not turn into an altercation, maybe out of fear or any other reason. Such altercations can be devastating for the species receiving the signal or direct contact, in this case us. 

We will lose out on a wonderful opportunity. The onus is on us.

By Saanvi Goel

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