By Tanisha Desai
Alice, Alice, she’s always full of malice,
Once she phoned to the Queen’s palace,
And said something bad about the butler,
Mr. Caliss.
Mr. Caliss, himself was none too pleased,
For the next few days, his anger never ceased.
Alice had done a most terrible sin,
She had told the queen that Mr. Caliss drinks....Gin!
(In those old days, drinking gin was forbidden.
The Queen would arrest him. He had to be hidden.)
Alice found out the Mr. Caliss drinks Gin,
By going to his house and....
Kicking his dustbin!!!
Inside it, she found an empty tin,
As you might have guessed, it was labelled....
And from that day onwards, Mr. Caliss bore her a grudge.
He didn’t stop thinking about it,
His mind wouldn’t budge.
But one fine day, something marvelous happened to Alice.
She just woke up one morning, but she had lost all her malice!
Alice had become as kind as could be,
She even phoned Mr. Caliss,
And invited him to tea!
She apologized to him, and now their best friends,
And with this conclusion, our story ends!
By Tanisha Desai