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Adorning A Coffin

Noted Nest

Updated: Oct 3, 2024

By Yash Desai

This question has been plaguing me for a long time. Obviously, humans live in fear of the  unknown. We have all some day or the other woken up with that feeling. That feeling so  indescribable. That feeling that brings a cold shiver so far down your spine that you  forget your identity, your hopes and your dreams. You wake up, your body ice cold but  still sweating profusely, your heartbeat fluctuating dramatically. That lump in your throat  that is so profound that however many times you swallow, trying to grip that last sense  of being grounded to this universe you are unable to push back that feeling. That chill of  icy heat, that feeling that your very existence is meaningless.  

My worst fear is knowing that someday or the other I'm going to witness death. Deaths  so tragic, your voice cracks and your tears well, but you don't have the power to cry. You  don't know if you will hear their voice again. You don't know if they will be remembered.  You don't know if this is all a twisted simulation where the people who you meet, share  bonds with and so deeply share moments with is a heart wrenching game of life, made  

to tear people apart. You don't know that they will remember you. That, is the scariest  and most disturbing thing I’ve ever felt in this existential crises so vaguely described  with four letters. 

It feels as if if humankind is perpetually afraid of death. However, if you think about it,  humans are deathly afraid of time. Death is just a byproduct of time. Time is what  causes objects to decay, bonds as strong as steal to rust. Fundamentally, humans have  fear of what they have no control over. This branches out over several rabbit holes that  all end in the same continuous outcome....Time. We humans have a tendency to do  whatever it takes just to have control or have power over something so variable that it is  never-ending and dynamic. It is this power that we try so hard to attain toa say in this  world full of voices. One of the main examples is money. In this world it is our mortality  that is both are greatest strength and most crippling vulnerability. It almost drives you  crazy that in this life which is so carefully engineered that our mortality is put to the test  so much that we feel like we are in a mere simulation of a matrix where everything is  cruelly engineered so that our bodies, a mere medium for our soul is wrapped around in  an endless conspiracy where the lines of code that create our world chain us. And time,  is the unforgiving warden. 

Time is a coffin. Let me explain this statement through the example of a Rolex. Its a  beautiful contraption, that cannot be denied. However, it is a testament to the fact that  adorning time is nothing but a status symbol, a slight grip over power as mentioned  before. No matter how you decorate time, it is still, at its core, an unchained beast. In  fear what this beast can do to you, you try and have power to control the 'matrix' through  having power over money. At its core, time is a paradox, simply located in a casket. The  casket symbolizes how unforgiving time is and how cruel the jailkeeper can be.  However, instead of adorning the coffin with hopes of money which inevitably

transcends into greed, we cannot make it part of our life to race against time through  status symbols and greed. Instead we should enjoy our tango with time, however brief it  may be. And above all, most importantly, we should enjoy our life but still be mindful of  the coffin and at the end of the day, I want that tombstone to leave a mark,  not make a mark.

By Yash Desai

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