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A Girl!

Noted Nest

By Isha Dilshad

In the darkness of despair, their cries unheard.

Innocence shattered, hearts broken and blurred.

Helpless she stand in the face of fear.

Their pain echoes silently,

No one near , no one care.

Courage rises, voices unite,

Breaking the silence against the night.

Let's be her strength, her guiding light.

In unity and love, we take a stand.

For humanity, hand in hand.

Empower justice, we demand.

In the tapestry of hope , we weave,

For a world where all can believe, where safe everyone will feel.

Let her be a kid, let her be a teen, let her be a granny,

She's always seen as a prey by many.

Blaming her, her clothes, her intentions and the time,

Naming cruelty and inhumane behavior a suicide.

Hearing the pledge ' all Indians are my brothers and sisters ' she trusted,

Little did she knew, they didn't even tried to read her scars listed.

Under the lustful eyes of the predators,

There she was hoping for one human,

But they all turned into monsters.

Again we failed, again we lost her.

In the name of desire and satisfaction they again accused her.

By Isha Dilshad

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