By Kokil Sharma
Sometimes I strongly desire for a fairy tale world ,where a knight in shining armour swoops me off all the worries.
Where a prince charming is waiting for me longingly,
A fairy tale world where there is no grief,
A place where swans and tigers live in peace.
I open my window and a big rainbow grazes my vision,while I sit on the chair of ice cream cones.
A fairy tale world where a beast awaits me with a big library.
A world where there is beauty inside out.
A world Where The moana in me will explore the ocean one day.
Swimming with dolphins and all the fishes someday.
A place where the long beaches with coconut trees become my home.
A fairy tale world where everything everywhere is my home.
I will sit in the horse back and gallop in the dense forest on clear day,
Like an enchanted fairy I will fly to the horizon with my big beautiful glass wings all day.
I wish I could see this world where friends don’t turn to foe, where woes are never heard,a world which rises with happiness and sleeps with content.
By Kokil Sharma