By Michelle Dsa

Here I am today, looking in and looking back at the things in which I lay.
There are too many moments to look back to,
Often I find, easier to simply try and push myself to get through.
When everyone and nobody at the same time knows what you mean,
Sometimes all you’ve ever wanted is all you’ve been able to conjure into a pretty little dream.
But, Where did those dreams go?
Where are they now? Why don’t they show?
Why don’t they come calling out to me?
Have they maybe gone too far for me to see?
I see distant memories, but hear the voices of today,
What must it be like, to have possibly gone the other way?
To know the things I know right now,
All I needed was probably what I had once with started out.
In times of trouble and in times of deceit,
Chaos and traffic have overcome me.
And In a plea to the skies, I wish I could be right in this instant,
Just for a moment, set absolutely free.
Free like I once was, in the spaces that didn’t confine me,
Or didn’t demand me to demand,
In the times that once told me it was okay to
Only ever go out and restlessly just play
I long for those times where being wasn’t conditional.
Times that had textures that still linger and are residual.
Oh to be again, with those that cared simply for the act of caring.
With those that befriended me just so I could be just as daring.
Those initial days seem too far to be recognised as time I have spent.
As pockets of special instances that have but never will, really, have left.
These are depths I can always dive into again,
To see colours and feel softness in ways that I’d once very closely felt.
What was then, now, will not be in only a single instant.
And so what I have learnt from then is that,
All I can do is only try to live,
Right there right in that very little moment.
By Michelle Dsa