By Sakshi Bhatia
In my Candy land,
Creating “A disaster recipe”
For some interesting theatrics
From the anarchist cookbook
With a little
Chocolate and organic
little candy
And a little magic
Mushroomy & Herbal
A little burnt and tragic
But very verbal.
Golden Garlic sizzles
As the sun sets
A gar-licker in his
Silver Car, comes home
A little sicker than yesterday,
And gets wet
Under the shower
Needing some power
Hunger was
Kicking his insides
He took a bite of the
ginger bread
On his rickety bed
Mixed with candy
To develop
An understanding
Between us
Eating like pregnant women,
Without fuss
And creating a mess
On the kitchen counter
I promise my love will never
Even if I find another one
As pretty as you
My eyes were twitching
With the onion fumes
And smoke and mirrors
I need the spices
Where are my scissors
The packaging
Is too plastic
And ideology is bombastic
And a recipe
For disaster
This meal would last her
A few hours
Till the higher powers
And solar energy
Heats the pot
And the kettle: black
And we can get back together
Happy as always
Cooking and cucking
Winning and good lucking.
Weʼve to cut them some slack,
Theyʼve been cooking all day
Trying to create
Some randy dandy candy
To book a cheap flight
To Normandy
To sip wine
Made of grapes artificial
As they grope
Each other
be playful
And melt and fry
For this candied
Recipe of love disaster
In which,
Things go faster and faster
Slower and slower
Simmer simmer
Lower lower
The heat
The hate
The endless debate
About the lack of chocolate
In the jungles
Letʼs not bungle
Our personal romances
And give each other plenty of chances
To mess up many meals
And waste a lot of candy
And stroll on a beach
Sandy, rocky,
So just love food
And donʼt be judgmental
About their recipe
For disaster.
By Sakshi Bhatia